Lunes, Pebrero 6, 2017

To my Secret Place

I became a little child,
Walking through my own prairie.

Cherishing the scene of the greenish plain,
Untouched and pure.

My nose smells the aroma of some flowers,
Holding me back to the real world.

It is my comfort to remain here,
In my asylum and haven.

With someone I desire to meet and talk to,
Ignoring all the troubles in my heart

To speak without restraint,
And to live without conformation.

A world that feeds my satisfaction,
Yet, I must leave, sometimes, I will visit.

I do not want to remain here for a long time,
Lest I become a prisoner of this reverie.

Memories of a Certain Soul: 01

Cold wind blew out from nothingness seemingly taunting a little girl laying on a stone pavement. The little kid is so - starved, her flesh gone white and the bones are more noticeable. She wore thin clothes, a rare - very unusual during this time of year. Some snow had fallen unto her head. Despite this very chilling situation, she looked upon the gentle heaven with hopeful eyes.

'My God, who is it that I am going to meet?' I asked.

'Or, could it be that You are going to take me, right now?'

But before this happened, I think - because my memory is somewhat blurry, I was deserted by some people in a place foreign to me. A place with no people whom I could trust myself; that I must stay awake. I heard from some people that if a person sleep on a frozen street, he will die - so I might as well (possibly?) which I don't dare to hope. Due to this coldness, I am suffering from fatigue and my eyes failing to blink and my mind - it is quite becoming drowsy.

Again, the wind brushes my hair like a caring mother. My body feels numb.

Then - I fell down to ground. But, warm hands have caught my quite frozen body.

I've fallen asleep on a foreign street, yet I smiled.


Image Source:
  • Emer Nestor (2014). Review: Love in a Cold Climate at the National Concert Hall. GeneratePress and WordPress. Retrieved from:

Miyerkules, Pebrero 1, 2017

TanG from the Iceberg

When you fall from the high,
And still falling,
Like eternal judgement
There was no turning back.

Then, you realized that
There is a spirit controlling you.
The not-very-good one.
Your heart, mind. The flesh.

And the feels that your flesh is kinda heavy,
Yet you know your steadfast Praetor,
He will not forsake you.
And the fortress inside yourself is unshakable.

Therefore, there is peace.
The undeniable one.
Inside the flesh, which no naked eye could see,
It is like a sea standing still.

And then, you realized that
The road is opposite
Of the ending you want to happen,
You are going to the wrong way.

Wake up!

